The Wind Energy Experimenter’s Handbook is a resource for educators and experimenters. It contains experiments and activities focused on wind turbines and their subsystems, to promote learning at a range of levels. Topics of study include generator types and their operation and control, power electronics and grid-integration, blade design and aerodynamic forces, gearboxes and drivetrain health monitoring, and structural components and materials. Theoretical content complements each experiment to ensure a true understanding of experimental observations. Homework and pre-lab assignments are included for preparation of activities.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Wind Turbine Components
Chapter 2: Wind Energy Resource
Chapter 3: Wind Turbine Generators
Chapter 4: Power Electronic Converters
Chapter 5: Blade Aerodynamics
Chapter 6: Tower Structures
Chapter 7: Wind Turbine Gearboxes
Chapter 8: Yaw Systems
Chapter 9: SCADA and Health Monitoring
Chapter 10: Interconnection
List of Experiments
list of experiments and link to chapter .pdf